Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Are Skype Lessons the Future of Vocal Coaching?

I have to be honest, when I was first asked to teach over Skype, I was a bit concerned about how effective the lessons would be. You see, if I charge you for a service, I want to make sure that you're getting every penny of your money's worth. With Skype, I lacked confidence initially that my clients would get the same quality lesson.

Fast forward 6 years and hundreds of hours of teaching Skype voice lessons, and that hesitance is gone. Are there small issues that aren't present in face to face lessons? Sure. The time delay is the biggest one. But unless the client is a complete beginner, they're easy to work around. It's a small price to pay for the added convenience.

That said, I believe singing lessons on Skype are the future of vocal coaching.

Now that I've been teaching this way for a few years, I'm a big believe that Skype lessons will slowly begin to compete with in-person lessons in the coming years. Why? They give people the ability to work with the coach that's right for them, whether they're on the other side of town, or the other side of the world. No longer do so many people have to settle for the only teacher in town who refuses to teach anything but Italian Art Songs. Instead, work with someone who excels at the type of singing you enjoy!

That, and Skype lessons are just so dang convenient. We as people are getting busier and busier. We cram more into our schedules, giving us less time to do the things we really want to do. But now, you don't have to drive an hour or more round trip to work with the best coach in town. Instead, you can do it out of the comfort of your own home or on the go. Even if you're traveling. The possibilities are endless!

Like I said before, I predict skype singing lessons are the future. Whether that's the case in 5 years or 25 years, I feel fairly certain that's the direction we're heading. In the meantime, I'll be teaching and waiting for the masses to catch up.

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